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Fox Class, Years 3 & 4

Welcome to Fox Class!

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a great summer break and is feeling refreshed and ready to learn!  You will find an example of our weekly timetable in the key documents section of this page, along with some of the planned learning journeys for this term.

Our first topic this term is Ancient Egypt and we have a lot of fun learning activities planned.  Keep an eye on our class gallery to see what we get up to!  

The children in Fox Class will be going to Forest School in the second half of term.

PE will be on Fridays, but please could children bring in their kit on Monday and keep it in school all week, as sometimes we need to be flexible with our timetable.

Spellings will be set on a Friday to be checked the following Friday - there will be more details about this in your welcome pack.

Please encourage your child to read aloud to you at home, and remember that we have access to the Hampshire School Library Service via the sora app.

Please do contact me via Class Dojo if you have any questions and I will be happy to help!

Mrs Gent ðŸ˜Š


The children in Fox Class have created content for the class webpage as part of their computing lessons.  This is what they would like you to know!


In English we used an animation called A Day in Pompeii to inspire some poems.

We were very proud of our work, and we put it in a book to keep in our reading corner.


Example of our weekly timetable

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page, or look in the key documents section (from the menu on the left).




Content from previous years...

Summer term 2022

We conducted an artist study on Henri Rousseau, and we looked in particular at his painting Tiger in the Jungle, Surprised!  After some initial workings in our sketch books, we collaborated to create this!  We took a tile each, looked at the original painting to find which section we had, chose appropriate colours and then rebuilt the picture.  We are very pleased with the result!

Summer term 2022

We were inspired by The Wild Robot to create our own version of the front cover.  We used lots of art skills to do this; first we created a pale blue water colour wash for the background.  Then we experimented with creating different shades of green for the trees and different shades of red and orange for the sun.  We painted three blocks of green on a piece of paper and when it was dry we cut different shapes for the trees.  We painted a spiral of our chosen shades of red and orange and when it was dry we cut a perfect circle for the sun.  Next we positioned the sun on the background and then layered the trees on the background before sticking carefully in position.  The final step was to paint another piece of paper in a shade of grey, and then to cut the rock and finally Roz.  Cutting the shape of Roz was definitely the most challenging part of the project!

Spring 2022 - To celebrate our learning about robots and electricity, we made robots with light up eyes!