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It is Cheriton Primary School’s policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours. 

A school uniform helps to promote a feeling of belonging to a special group of people; it saves arguments about what a child wants to wear; it avoids children coming to school in undesirable fashions; and it encourages children to maintain a neat and tidy appearance.

Children at Cheriton Primary have  traditionally worn our green and grey uniform, and we believe that it  promotes a sense of pride in the school and helps every child to feel part of the Cheriton community.

It is both practical and smart and helps our children to feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance. The guidelines as to what should be worn have been drawn up with the health and safety of the children in mind as well as their comfort.

Items of school uniform can be purchased from the school office or from another supplier : Tesco, M & S, Sainsbury's, John Lewis or Next.  Google searches for the chosen website.  

Cheriton Primary School’s uniform consists of:

  • Grey trousers/tailored shorts
  • Grey skirt or pinafore
  • White shirt / blouse or school T-Shirt
  • Green check dress
  • Bottle-green jumper, school sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece
  • Appropriate coloured socks or tights
  • Suitable low-heeled shoes; lace-up or bar shoes are most suitable in black or plain black ankle boots. In the summer sensible sandals, i.e. no open backs or toes. Trainers should not be worn.

Cheriton Primary School’s P.E kit consists of:

  • School T-shirt /plain white T-shirt
  • Green shorts / skort
  • White socks
  • Trainers / plimsolls (training shoes are preferable for KS2 children when attending games sessions at the recreation ground)
  • Green or grey tracksuit
  • Key stage 2 children also require a swimming kit, which parents are strongly encouraged to limit to a single-piece swimsuit rather than two-piece garments for girls and trunks rather than loose-fitting shorts for boys.

Extra items required are:

  • A P. E/shoe bag for keeping kit at school
  • A painting overall for arts / crafts lessons (e.g. an old adult-size shirt)
  • School caps or appropriate sunhats for hot weather
  • Children are required to bring a coat to school every day in the colder months and a shower-proof jacket is advisable in summer.

Other considerations are:

  • It is advisable that long hair be tied back so that it remains out of the child's eyes when they are working.
  • Nail varnish should not be worn.
  • Jewellery should not be worn other than that which is worn for religious reasons.
  • It is inadvisable for children to wear earrings to school, but small plain studs may be worn if parents feel that this is necessary. Children must be able to remove these themselves for PE as the use of tape to cover these are no longer permitted under Hampshire's safety policy.
  • A watch should only be worn if the child can manage to fasten and unfasten it unaided. No large decorative watches or those with alarms are allowed.
  • Children often lose property, and we ask parents to mark all clothing, and, as far as possible, other items brought to school with their child's name in order that belongings may be returned as soon as possible.


              Our online school uniform provider is "GOODDIES".   Follow the link to visit the store......


               OR alternatively, visit and click on "Find My School" OR view the flyer below.