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Robin Class, Years 1 & 2

Welcome to Class 2

Welcome to Robin Class

We are excited about all the lovely learning going on in Robin Class this Term.  To name a few topics, we will be learning about Identifying animals and Seasonal Changes in Science, Where do we live? in Geography and Intrepid Explorers in History.

Please find the attached Autumn Term Overview for more details. 

Additional learning at home-

Children will have a staged RWINC book that is familiar and a RWINC Book Bag Book sent home every Friday. They will also select a library book from the Library every Friday.  Your child will have their books for a week and will need to bring them back the following Friday.  Please read as much as possible with your child and fill in any 'child-led reading'  in their reading records (minimum 3 x per week). Please write in any MathsShed home learning in these records too.  Children enjoy short snappy maths on the walk home or in the car. For example you could ask your child to recite their number bonds or 2X,10X, 5X times tables. How many can they do in a minute? Make it fun!

We celebrate any additional work and would love to see what the children have been learning/ achieving at home through Show & Tell. Your child will be encouraged to share any maths, writing, art, research etc based on our school learning. Please see the  Overview for ideas. Achievements such as sporting/ musical  or diary entries about weekends/ holiday trips will also be encouraged.  


Read Write Inc Videos- Please use these videos to review sounds taught this term.

Maths Please use your child's login to enjoy Maths lessons/ games Enjoyable Maths Games    counting in 2,5,10   - days of the week - months of the year - shape song


Please find attached Letter Join handwriting sheets. We use Letter Join to teach the correct formation. Please encourage children to write diaries, research reports, descriptions about what they enjoy/ like. We would love to share and celebrate their writing in school. Bertie The Bear will enjoy coming to visit your children over a few weekends throughout the year. Please encourage your child to write about their special time together. 


PE is on a Monday afternoon.  Please make sure your child brings in their PE kit every Monday. As we have PE during the whole afternoon, children will be sent home in their PE Kits. They do not need to return their PE Kit until the following Monday.  Please note-PE kits are a white T shirt, green shorts and tracksuits can be blue, black, green or grey. Please make sure that all uniform and PE Kits are named.

Forest School

The children will be enjoying Forest School every Tuesday Spring 1 and Spring 2. Please make sure children wear warm clothing and bring waterproofs and wellies. Year 1s will go in the morning so will need a change of clothes for the afternoon. 

Phonic Screening Check and Non Words

An explanation of the Phonics Screening Test taken by children towards the end of Year 1